Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spiderman 3 was fantastic in terms of visual effects and presentation, however it seemed a little lacking in terms of the strong storyline which had made spiderman 1 and 2 such memorable blockbusters. I have my adwo buddy L awrence to thank for accompanying me to the movie!

That happened on an otherwise dour and uneventful friday night. The truth be known, the adwo course is finally starting to take its toll on us. The tension and worry in our midst is clearly building, and people are beginning to lose their minds because of their apprehension at being physically tortured from next week onwards.

Met up with my fellow bmt buddies G uowei and H umphrey today! They seem to be in the pink of health, and yes, both of them are in command school, which I originally aspired to but gave up after realising that I couldn't do pullups at all. I was planning on purchasing this new white globe belt but decided to go on a second round of belt-hunting next week, if I do get to book out that is. I feel like buying more clothes despite having already bought two new shirts this week! I want a pair of new bermudas which will most definitely cost me a bomb. Buying new clothes makes me happy and lightens this misery I've been experiencing for the past week or so.

Next week will probably be the biggest week of my life. In the words of my parents, it will come to you if it should, and do not have any regrets if you fail, because you have tried your best.
